Research Instruments

In order to answer the research questions guiding this project, we will develop many research instruments, which will be available to download below. 

In particular, this project seeks to answer:
1. How do faculty teaching ATE students math engage with and make sense of PD activities as part of a community of practice around math contextualization? (See: Faculty interview instruments)

2. How do faculty in the community of practice apply contextualization in teaching math? (Coming soon: Classroom observation instrument)

3. What is the effect of math contextualization on students’ interim and longer-term outcomes such as course grade, course completion rate, credential completion, transfer,and workforce participation, and how does contextualization exert its effect, if any?

4. How do ATE students in math courses of varying levels of contextualization describe their learning experiences and motivational beliefs regarding math and their overall educational and career success? (See: Student survey instrument and coming soon: student interview instrument)

Student survey instrument

Student interview instrument